German Volume Training

AN INTRODUCTION TO GERMAN VOLUME TRAININGThere are a lot of set and rep schemes that have been used throughout the decades by individuals looking to build muscle and strength. Some of the most popular ones include:5x53x104x85x10 Perhaps no set and rep scheme has garnered the mystery and mystique of 10x10...

What Is 3D Pump

If you’ve been tuned into the supplement newswire the past couple of months, you’ve undoubtedly heard the buzz about an exciting new pump ingredient called 3DPump-Breakthrough. But, what is it and what does it do?Let’s discuss!WHAT IS 3DPUMP-BREAKTHROUGH?3DPump-Breakthrough is a revolutionary pump ingredient combining L-Citrulline, high-yield glycerol, and a standardized...


STAYING MOTIVATED: HOW TO GET OUT OF A RUTHumans are creatures of comfort. We crave habit and routine, and (for the most part) we thrive when we reduce the amount of decisions we have to make each day and can run on auto-pilot. Nowhere is this more clearly evident than...

Diabetes, Gymnema Sylvstre and Slinmax

Diabetes rates have almost quadrupled globally over the past three decades.[1] This is due to a combination of factors, including increasingly sedentary lifestyles and easier access to high-calorie foods. Combatting the onset and progression of diabetes has become a major focus of health groups around the world. At the heart...